Missed Opportunities

So...I am just a little socially awkward.  If you've ever met me, you probably wouldn't think so, because I am great in social situations, but not on one on one settings with men.  If you actually know me you're thinking...uh yeah...DUH.
I just...have the tendency to freeze up.  And then later I'm like, oh I should have said/done this or this.  I mean really, I am vibrant, witty and I have a hilarious sense of humor (lol) but when it comes right down to it, I'm just not a dater, so it makes it hard to interact with the opposite sex.

Case in point.  This morning, on the way to work my gas light came on.  No bueno because I hate stopping for gas, especially during the morning commute!  But I digress. So I stop at the gas station and there is this uber cute guy pumping gas across from me.  He was dressed really nicely, in a sweater with a collared shirt underneath, obviously on the way to work as well.  He looks at me and smiles, and says good morning.  I shyly respond back in kind.  In my head I'm like WTF I'm not shy!  But I actually am.

So I pump my gas and I catch his eye once...twice...three times...FOUR TIMES.  And he's smiling.  And I'm smiling.  And then...nothing.
So then, he drives off (le sigh), looking back, me looking at him thinking DAMN.  So his gas door isn't closed and I think, well he's far enough I'd have to RUN to catch him.  I hesitate, weighing my options and then start to walk toward him.  There's a truck blocking me so he can't actually see me as I begin to walk toward him.
He notices himself (points for observation since in my head I've decided he was so distracted by my beauty that he forgot to close it) and he jumps out of the car.  Again, he can't see me because of the stupid truck.

So he's back in the car and then he's on the street, STILL looking back.
I think...hm, maybe he'll turn around and come back into the gas station. But he doesn't.
I should have said something.  Or he should have.  But maybe that's what life is about, just random encounters where someone lifts you up and brightens your day by letting you know that you don't go unnoticed.
Either way, thank you random gas station guy, for putting a smile on my face.


  1. Awe. I guess you only have one possible option at this point....put $5 of gas in EVERYDAY, at the same time, at the same gas station, till you meet again! LOL


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