
Showing posts from December, 2011

Missed Opportunities

So...I am just a little socially awkward.  If you've ever met me, you probably wouldn't think so, because I am great in social situations, but not on one on one settings with men.  If you actually know me you're thinking...uh yeah...DUH. I just...have the tendency to freeze up.  And then later I'm like, oh I should have said/done this or this.  I mean really, I am vibrant, witty and I have a hilarious sense of humor (lol) but when it comes right down to it, I'm just not a dater, so it makes it hard to interact with the opposite sex. Case in point.  This morning, on the way to work my gas light came on.  No bueno because I hate stopping for gas, especially during the morning commute!  But I digress. So I stop at the gas station and there is this uber cute guy pumping gas across from me.  He was dressed really nicely, in a sweater with a collared shirt underneath, obviously on the way to work as well.  He looks at me and smiles, and says good morning.  I shyly r